
Brand Audit

What is your current brand equity? Does it resonate positively with your intended audience? Do you have a loyal following? Are you well known in your market? We dig in and come out with knowing where your greatest opportunities for growth are and make recommendations to get you closer to your strategic marketing goals.


Keeping aligned with your current audience base is important, but to reach further we work with you on the changes that will impact next steps, from new marketing tactics and deliverables to discovering new market opportunities. We create and execute on name redevelopment, visual identity, messaging and guidelines to keep you on track.


Putting it all together. We provide you with the necessary tools and strategies to execute on your rebranding strategy. Visuals, messaging and materials, we work with you to ensure your rebrand has the greatest impact, through the right channels, to current and new audiences

Web Presence

Your web presence is one of your greatest tools to reach beyond your backyard. KEEN has a team that ensures your website and online channels are up-to-date, leveraged and directed to the right audience. We adjust the message, and refocus the target as we monitor results and track response, we move your brand in the right direction for growth.


Change is good and good news takes time - a strategic marketing plan will direct you through your revitalized brand launch and execution. Internal team and existing clients will take notice. We create a pathway to guide you through ensuring a smooth transition, strategically taking your brand launch from internal to external and then working with you to drive it beyond.

Related Rebrand Services

Discovery Workshop
Ideation Workshop
Strategy Discussion
Customer Journey Mapping
Research - Customer
Brand Naming
Tagline / Qualifier
Visual Brand Development
Brand Messaging
Brand Strategy
Digital Strategy
Content Strategy
Web Audit
Logo Design
Campaign Design
Print Ads
Digital Ads
E-Newsletter Template
Social Media Content

Rebranding Case Studies